NIES-MCC | KU-MACC | Tree to Strain Japanese | English
Life / Eukarya / Plantae / Rhodophyta / Florideophyceae / Rhodymeniales

Hymenocladiaceae (Hymenocladia, Asteromenia etc.)
Rhodymeniaceae (Rhodymenia, Coelathrum, Botryocladia, Chrysymenia etc.)
Champiaceae (Champiaceae, Gastroclonium etc.)
Fryeellaceae (Fryeela, Hymenocladiopsis)
Fucheaceae (Faucheocolax, Gloiocladia etc.)
Lomentariaceae (Lomentaria, Binghamia, Ceratodictyon etc.)
  • Le Gall, L., Dalen, J.L. & Saunders, G.W. (2008) Phylogenetic analyses of the red algal order rhodymeniales supports recognition of the Hymenocladiaceae fam. nov., Fryeellaceae fam. nov., and Neogastroclonium gen. nov. Journal of Phycology 44: 1556-1571.
