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株番号 NIES-296
保存機関名 国立環境研究所
門名 Streptophyta 綱名 Mesostigmatophyceae
目名 科名
学名   Mesostigma viride Lauterborn
地名(採集年月) 日本  茨城県  吉野公園 (1985-07-03)
生息環境(分離源) 淡水
生息環境の詳細 富栄養 池 
分離者名(分離年月) 須田彰一郎
同定者名 井上勲
株の状態 無菌[2018 Jan]; 単藻; クローン
保存形態 継代培養
凍結保存 不明
培養条件(前培養条件) 培地名:C
温度:20 ℃
光強度:24-39 μmol phtons/m2/sec  明暗周期:10L:14D
継代培養周期:25 D
遺伝子情報 ftsZ (AB673433 ) Mitochondria DNA (AF353999 ) Plastid DNA (AF166114 ) Root cap protein 1-8 mRNAs (DQ287936-DQ287943 ) Whole-genome (RPFO01000000 )
    ゲノム解読株 (Lemieux, C. et al. 2000, Turmel, M. et al. 2002b, Liang et al. 2020)
細胞サイズ(min-max) 18μm   体制 単細胞性; 鞭毛性  
注意事項 不安定; 輸送時の衝撃に弱い; 無菌  

Iwamoto, K. & Ikawa, T.: 2000: A novel glycolate oxidase requiring flavin mononucleotide as the cofactor in the prasinophycean alga Mesostigma viride.: Plant Cell Physiol., 41, 988-991.
Strains: 296

Lemieux, C., Otis, C., Turmel, M.: 2000: Ancestral chloroplast in Mesostigma viride reveals an early branch of green plant evolution.: Nature, 403, 649-652.
Strains: 296

Turmel, M., Otis, C., Lemieux, C.: 2002b: The complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of Mesostigma viride identifies this green alga as the earliest green plant divergence and predicts a highly compact mitochondrial genome in the ancestor of all green plants.: Mol. Biol. Evol., 19, 24-38.
Strains: 296

Hamana, K., Aizaki T., Arai, E., Saito, A., Uchikata, K., Ohnishi, H.: 2004: Distribution of norspermidine s a cellular polyamine within micro green algae including non-photosynthetic achlorophyllous Polytoma, Polytomella, Prototheca and Helicosporidium.: J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol., 50, 289-295.
Strains: 18 251 254 255 296 329 483 486 536

Turmel, M., Ehara, M., Otis, C., Lemieux, C.: 2002a: Phylogenetic relationships among streptophytes as inferred from chloroplast small and large subunit rRNA gene sequences.: J. Phycol., 38, 364-375.
Strains: 296 484

Yoshii, Y., Takaichi, S., Maoka, T., Inouye, I.: 2003: Photosynthetic pigment composition in the primitive green alga Mesostigma viride (Prasinophyceae): phylogenetic and evolutionary implications.: J. Phycol., 39, 570-576.
Strains: 296 475 476 477

Nedelcu, A. M., Borza, T., Lee, R. W.: 2006: A land-plant specific multigene family in the unicellular Mesostigma argues for its close relationship to Streptophyta.: Mol. Biol. Evol., 23, 1011-1015.
Strains: 296

Hua, JM., Smith, D. R., Borza, T., Lee, R. W.: 2012: Similar relative mutation rates in the three genetic compartments of Mesostigma and Chlamydomonas.: Protist, 163, 105-115.
Strains: 296 476

Laflamme, M., Lee, R. W.: 2003: Mitochondrial genome conformation among CW-group Chlorophycean algae.: J. Phycol., 39, 213-220.
Strains: 296 484

Hamana, K., Niitsu, M., Hayashi, H.: 2013: Occurrence of homospermidine and thermospermine as a cellular polyamine in unicellular chlorophyte and multicellular charophyte green algae: J. Gen. Appl. Micobiol., 59, 313-319.
Strains: 18 151 160 255 296 306 360 363 640 722 836 1409 1410 1411 1419 1837 2164 2199 3374

Miyagishima, S., Suzuki, K., Okazaki, K., Kabeya, Y.: 2012: Expression of the nucleus-encoded chloroplast division genes and proteins regulated by the algal cell cycle.: Mol. Biol. Evol., 29, 2957-2970.
Strains: 296 484 547 1332 2170 3377

Schwender, J., Gemünden, C., Lichtenthaler, H. K.: 2001: Chlorophyta exclusively use the 1-deoxyxylulose 5-phosphate/2-C-methylerythritol 4-phosphate pathway for the biosynthesis of isoprenoids.: Planta, 212, 416-423.
Strains: 296

Hua, J., Lee, R.W.: 2012: Factors affecting codon bias in the mitochondrial genomes of the Streptophyte Mesostigma viride and the Chlorophyte Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.: J. Eucaryot. Microbiol., 59, 287-289.
Strains: 296

Yang, A., Narechania, A., Kim, E.: 2016: Rickettsial endosymbiont in the “early‐diverging” streptophyte green alga Mesostigma viride.: J. Phycol., 52, 219-229.
Strains: 296 475 995

Yokono, M., Takabayashi, A., Kishimoto, J., Fujita, T., Iwai, M., Murakami, A., Akimoto, S., Tanaka, A.: 2019: The PSI-PSII megacomplex in green plants.: Plant Cell Physiol., 60, 1098–1108.
Strains: 144 296 303 2285 2541

Liang, Z., Geng, Y., Ji, C., Du, H., Wong, C. E., Zhang, Q., Zhang, Y., Zhang, P., Riaz, A., Chachar, S., Ding, Y., Wen, J., Wu, Y., Wang, M., Zheng, H., Wu, Y., Demko, V., Shen, L., Han, X., Zhang, P., Gu, X., Yu, H.: 2020: Mesostigma viride genome and transcriptome provide insights into the origin and evolution of Streptophyta.: Adv. Sci., 7, 1901850 (article ID).
Strains: 296

Aso, M., Matsumae, R., Tanaka, A., Tanaka, R., Takabayashi, A.: 2021: Unique peripheral antennas in the photosystems of the streptophyte alga Mesostigma viride.: Plant Cell Physiol., 62, 436–446.
Strains: 296

Bock, N. A., Charvet, S., Burns, J., Gyaltshen, Y., Rozenberg, A., Duhamel ,S., Kim, E.: 2021: Experimental identification and in silico prediction of bacterivory in green algae.: ISME J., 15, 1987-2000.
Strains: 254 296 626 995

Davison, H. R., Pilgrim, J., Wybouw, N., Parker, J., Pirro, S., Hunter-Barnett, S., Campbell, P. M., Blow, F., Darby, A. C., Hurst, G. D. D., Siozios, S.: 2022: Genomic diversity across the Rickettsia and ‘Candidatus Megaira’ genera and proposal of genus status for the Torix group.: Nat. Commun., 13, 2630 (article ID).
Strains: 296 425