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Strain - 詳細 -

株番号 NIES-2687
保存機関名 国立環境研究所
門名 Heterokontophyta 綱名 Dictyochophyceae
目名 科名
学名   Mesopedinella arctica Daugbjerg
地名(採集年月) モロッコ    大西洋(Maroccan湧昇流)(水深-5m) (1999-09-12)
生息環境(分離源) 海域
生息環境の詳細 水深(-5m)  
分離者名(分離年月) Le Gall, F. (再分離) ← Garczarek, L.
同定者名 Eikrem, W.
株の状態 非無菌; 単藻; クローン
保存形態 継代培養
培養条件(前培養条件) 培地名:ESM
温度:20 ℃
光強度:19 μmol phtons/m2/sec  明暗周期:10L:14D
継代培養周期:2 M
遺伝子情報 16S rRNA (AY702158 ) 18S rRNA (KT861163 ) psbA (EU851962 )
細胞サイズ(min-max) 8μm   体制  

Fuller, N. J., Campbell, C., Allen, D. J., Pitt, F. D., Le Gall, F., Vaulot, D., Scanlan, D. J.: 2006: Analysis of photosynthetic picoeukaryote diversity at open ocean sites in the Arabian Sea using a PCR biased towards marine algal plastids. : Aquat. Microb. Ecol., 43, 79-93.
Strains: 2586 2588 2589 2672 2673 2687 2690 2693

Man-Aharonovich, D., Philosof, A., Kirkup, B. C., Le Gall, F., Yogev, T., Berman-Frank, I., Polz, M. F., Vaulot, D., Béjà, O.: 2010: Diversity of active marine picoeukaryotes in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea unveiled using photosystem-II psbA transcripts.: ISME J., 4, 1044-1052.
Strains: 2588 2682 2687

Zhu, F., Massana, R., Not, F., Marie, D., Vaulot, D.: 2005: Mapping of picoeucaryotes in marine ecosystems with quantitative PCR of the 18S rRNA gene.: FEMS Microbiol. Ecol., 52, 79-92.
Strains: 2673 2687

Dimier, C., Giovanni, S., Ferdinando, T., Brunet, C.: 2009: Comparative ecophysiology of the xanthophyll cycle in six marine phytoplanktonic species.: Protist, 160, 397-411.
Strains: 2687

Marron, A. O., Ratcliffe, S., Wheeler, G. L., Goldstein, R. E., King, N., Not, F., de Vargas, C., Richter, D. J.: 2016: The evolution of silicon transport in eukaryotes.: Mol. Biol. Evol., 33, 3226–3248.
Strains: 2687